Thursday, 31 May 2012

100 comments + discovery!

First of all, I'd like to say a little hurray cause I've reached 100 comments on my blog! yay!
For most bloggers this must be a small number, but for me it's a lot.

I visited a lot of blogs and websites these last few days, so I've decided to sometimes do a "discovery" post, where I make a small list of the new blogs I've discovered and liked.
(p.s. nothing is sponsored, it's all my opinion)

Tout d'abord, je voudrais dire un grand youpi pour avoir atteint 100 commentaires sur mon blog! yay!
Pour la plupart des bloggers ce chiffre est insignifiant, mais pour moi c'est de la joie.

J'ai visité beaucoup de blogs et de sites ces derniers jours et j'ai donc décidé de parfois écrire un article sur les "découvertes" que j'ai faites, où je parlerai des blogs que j'ai vraiment apprécié.
(p.s. je ne suis pas payée pour ces listes, tout est mon opinion personnel)

- Amy-Rose King Photography is a blog owned by a wedding photographer who makes beautiful pictures: sharp, colourful and dreamy. I normally prefer reading and looking at photography blogs created by beginners, or just those who enjoy this hobby. But Amy-Rose's pictures are so perfect that I just wanted to share this with everyone.

-The Saccone Jolys is a couple from Ireland =D who do daily vlogs of their funny lives. She does makeup/beauty videos and he does his own videos but I don't remember what they were about. Anyway, their vlogs are very funny, filled with dogs, puppies, shopping and a baby on the way!

-Freckled Italian is a blog owned by a young woman called Megan. I enjoy her fresh, fun blog and she just had an ad space giveaway (oh well, I lost!) but I find these type of giveaways great!

So those were my little discoveries of these last two weeks, and I hope you'll like these just as much as I do!
Have a  great weekend!

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Monday, 28 May 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday (3)

We're Sunday again! (this post was supposed to be published  yesterday,oups!)
I had time this week to take my time and think of what pictures I will take for Scavenger Hunt Sunday, and even though the themes were tough this week, it was so much fun to use my creativity and imagination!
So here are my interpretations for Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Nous sommes Dimanche déjà! (cet article aurait du être publié hier, oups!)
J'ai eu du temps cette semaine pour réfléchir sur les photos que j'allais prendre pour ce scavenger hunt sunday, et même si les thèmes me paraissent un peu difficiles cette semaine, cela m'a permis d'utiliser ma créativité et mon imagination!
Donc voici mes interprétations pour Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

1.Beneath your feet

Worst moment of the week: weighing myself ;D ...

2. Capturing movement

Moving shells: making beautiful movements with beautiful sounds...

3. Texture

Cuddly, fluffy blankets: my favourite!

4. Face your fears

My fear:  lack of chocolate! ;) he's my best friend, and my worst enemy...

5. Currently

Currently reading this book for the third time!

So I hope you liked my pictures and I thank you for taking the time to look at them!
Can't wait to see the interpretations of my fellow hunters!
p.s. please become my follower, it will make my day! :D

Donc j'espère que mes images vous ont plu et je vous remercie d'être passé les voir!
Il me tarde de voir toutes les autres participations de mes camarades de chasse du dimanche ;)
p.s. n'oubliez pas de devenir mon follower, je serais super heureuse!

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Wednesday, 23 May 2012


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Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Hello everyone!
I have finally found time to show you my few Paris photos! My camera died after a couple of shots, and as if this wasn't annoying enough, I had forgotten to bring my charger with me.
So here are the photos but before I show them to you I should explain to you why I was there in the first place! Well, as you might know, I live in France (even though I'm not french), but I live far faaar away from Paris and two weeks ago I had an interview which meant I got to see this beautiful city again! Last time I had been there was when I was 7, which was a long long time ago.

Bonjour tout le monde!
J'ai enfin réussi à trouver le temps de vous montrer mes quelques photos de Paris! Mon appareil photo avait réussi à prendre quelques photos seulement avant de mourir et en plus, comme ci cela ne suffisait pas, j'avais oublié le chargeur! noooon! 
Donc voici les photos mais je veux tout d'abord vous expliquer comment je me suis retrouvée dans cette belle ville! Ben, peut-être que vous le savez déjà, mais je vis en France (mais je suis pas française), mais je vis trèèèès loin de la capitale, et il y a deux semaines j'avais un entretien là-bas donc j'ai pu revisiter cette merveilleuse ville! Ma dernière visite étant à l'âge de 7 ans, c'était très étrange de tout revoir à travers des yeux d'adulte.

Well there you go! I had a great time! I'm a bit disappointed in the maximum size of these pictures which is normally much bigger but well, life is life. Well I hope you liked these pictures, and maybe they make you want to visit this lovely city? =)

Voila! J'ai passé un super moment là-bas! Je suis un peu déçue de la taille des photos qui est normalement plus grande mais bon! c'est la vie! Donc j'espère que ces images vous ont plu et qu'elles vous ont peut-être donné envie de visiter cette belle ville? =)
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Friday, 18 May 2012

Simple Pictures (3)

Some more pictures for my mini series "Simple Pictures": just some pictures that catch my attention and that want to be shown to the public eye =)

Quelques images de plus pour ma mini serie "Simple Pictures": juste quelques photos qui attirent mon attention et qui veulent être vu par le public =)

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Baking Muffins!

Hi everyone! Last Tuesday I made some muffins (well I tried) and I'm pretty happy with the result, since my my cooking skills are pretty low !
So, during this easy recipe (which I forgot what website I found it on and now can't show it to you so you're gonna have to guess it!), I took a few photos with my mobile.
The quality of these pictures is absolutely terrible (which is disappointing since it IS a blackberry), but I hope you still enjoy a trip to Baking Land with me =D.

Bonjour tout le monde! Mardi dernier j'avais fait des muffins tout simple (en tout cas j'ai essayé) et je suis assez contente du résultat. Surtout quand on prend en compte mes connaissances culinaires très pauvres.
J'ai oublié sur quel site j'ai trouvé cette recette, donc va falloir que vous la devinez!
Ainsi, pendant que je cuisinais, j'ai pris quelques photos de très basse qualité avec mon portable (qui est un blackberry donc cette qualité est très décevante pour un portable de ce genre).
Mais bon, j'espère que vous allez passer un bon moment avec moi dans le monde de la cuisine =D
Here was the step by step pictures that I took and since there wasn't much to say about them, I didn't bother writing anything.
At the end I added liquid chocolate on top if my muffins that hardens after a few hours and the result was delicious. The only problem (cause there's always something wrong that happens when I'm cooking), is that I mixed up baking powder with a french product that sounded the same but that wasn't. So my muffins are flat and look more like cookies; oh well, just gonna have to eat them ! =D

Voici donc les photos étape par étape que j'avais pris et comme y a pas grand chose a dire dessus, j'ai rien écrit.
A la fin j'ai ajouté du chocolat liquide qui durcit pour ajouter un peu de goût à mes muffins. Biensur, comme je fais toujours quelque chose de faux quand je cuisine, je me suis trompé dans un ingredient qui s'appelle "baking powder" et j'avais pris la levure voulangère mais c'est apparement pas la même chose. Du coup, mes muffins sont tout plat! Tanpis, faudra tous les manger alors =D!
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Sunday, 13 May 2012

Photoshop Quick Tips

If you have a point and shoot camera like me (especially if it's an inexpensive one) you'll need this tip for your photos!
This tip is a basic one that everyone in the world of photography knows, and might think boring to put in a post. But about a year or two ago, when I started using Photoshop, this tip was amazing in my eyes so I hope it will help all the new beginners.

So let's start: I was in Paris this weekend (I will soon post the photos) and while we were stuck in traffic, I saw this ad on the back of a bus: a Schweppes ad with Uma Thurman, one of my favourite actresses.
I loved the picture so I took the photo with my camera and thought it was good quality - till I uploaded it to my computer and was surprised at the lack of colour.
The original Photo- taken with my fujifilm A150
So here's what I did to it to make it look just that bit better:

1- Open the image in Photoshop
2-go to Image > adjustments > Brightness/Contrast

you'll see this: 
All you have to do is pull the brightness and contrast to the right, until is looks good. It is best to make the contrast stronger than the brightness.

3- go to Image > adjustments > Hue/Saturation
Pull the saturation to the right to give the picture a splash of colour.
4- Press Layer > Flatten Image
5- (Optional): To bring attention to Uma, I darkened the edge of the image with a photoshop action:
If you don't have this action, there is a way to do it but it would be too long to explain in this post, so you can look it up on internet.

And this is the result:

you can now compare:

So that was it! It was very easy and only needs a couple of seconds but it does all the difference!
I hope this helped some of you, especially if  beginners. For any questions, leave me a comment or send me an email!

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Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Simple Pictures (2)

Simple Pictures 2! is the new name I gave to these mini-series. It was called "Pretty Pictures" but I thought the new name would suit it better, since my pictures aren't all pretty!
So here they are (a lot of them are outside ones, since it's so sunny today!):

"Simple Pictures 2"! c'est le  nouveau nom de ma mini-serie d'images simples. Ca s'appelait "Pretty Pictures" au début, mais comme les images ne sont pas toutes belles, le nouveau nom est mieux.
Voici donc mes photos d'aujourd'hui (prises surtout dehors grâce au beau temps):

So that was my simple pictures for today! There's no big connection between them, they're just pictures I take, like and put up on my little blog =) I hope you like them and thank you for passing by my blog!
Have a great day!
P.s. I created a new space on the right side of my blog for ads! It's for free! For more information, click on the "sponsor/ad space" page!

Voilà!  Il n'y a pas vraiment de liens entre ces images, ce sont juste des photos que je prends, qui me plaisent et que je mets sur mon petit blog!
J'espère qu'elles vous ont plu et merci d'avoir visité mon blog! 
Bonne journée!
P.s.Je viens de créer une colonne à droite de mon blog pour les pubs! Si vous voulez y ajouter le votre, cliquez sur la page "sponsor/ad space" pour plus d'informations. En plus, c'est gratuit du fait que mon blog n'est pas encore très connu.
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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Photoshop Creations

Today I tried to make a landscape/image using multiple pictures and Photoshop.
It's the first time I did this, so it's nothing special!

Aujourd'hui j'ai essayé pour la première fois, de créer une image grâce à d'autres images et Photoshop.
C'est rien de spécial, mais ca m'a beaucoup plu de le faire!

So here's the picture I made:
Donc voici l'image que j'ai faite:

I made this picture with these that I found on internet:
Voici les photos utilisées pour créer le mien:

Hope you like it! I think I'll start making more of these type of pictures. 
It's fun (well, sometimes frustrating) and I might get better at it!

Voila! donc j'espère que vous aimez ma création! Je pense que je vais en créer d'autres comme celle-ci,
c'est très amusant (la plupart du temps =) ) et peut être que je m'améliorerais!
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